I expect that several of these Weiner dogs finished this race, but I have my doubts about the one in the back. He looks like he’s more interested in something else. Certainly he doesn’t seem to have the focus that the dog in the foreground has. It could be that all of them finished, but at different paces.
This Longfellow quote caught my attention recently. How many things have I started and not completed? More than a few. Unfortunately, some of those things are remodeling projects that seem to always be in process. I had a wise man tell me once the secret to getting projects done around the house is to not start a new one before finishing the current one. I’ll let you know how that goes, once I get all the projects completed and start following the rule. Ha!
Whether it is a house hold project, learning a language, or paying off a loan, the drive to complete what you’ve started is great.
I plan to explore the things that support getting to the finish line and some of the pitfalls to avoid in future posts. Today, let’s celebrate and find the joy in our accomplishments. Take a moment to think of one or two things that you’ve finished. It’s a good feeling to say, “I’m done!”
While exploring the things that work for me, I expect that you all will help me stay accountable to finish more projects. After all, if we’re going to discuss them, we need to know how they turn out. Right?
I appreciate Longfellow’s perspective on this. While getting started on a project, adventure, or new direction is a great thing, it is better to finish the race!
What things have you recently practiced the Art of Ending? I completed some overdue repairs to my Jeep today. I’m taking this moment to celebrate the state of being done! Take a moment to share some of your victories in the comments. I’d love to hear from you!
According to Jack!
Completion is truly one of the greatest feelings in the world. Both the Almighty and his Son used the words, “It is finished” and “It is good” regarding acts of completion. I can’t top them! I, too, have a myriad of projects stuck in mid-cycle. Thank you for giving me a nudge toward the finish line!
Dana, Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. We’ll work on our projects together! Love you! –Jack