London Has Fallen is one of those great movies that are light on plot, but a great modern-day “Western.” Lots of shooting. Lots of way to close for comfort bad guys trying to kill good guys. Finally, a whole bunch of things blowing up the city of London. If you loved Olympus Has Fallen and White House Down
, you’ll definitely love this one. Same idea, just a lot bigger and across a the London metropolitan area.
While Gerard Butler and Aaron Eckhart handle an unbelievable amount of near misses and stunts in their effort to escape alive, Morgan Freeman anchors the show from the situation room of the White House as the Vice President. Freeman’s stoic portrayal of a man under pressure to make the right decisions gives the viewer hope the real version of Vice President would be as impressive. Of course, in real-life situations you don’t have a team of writers who are omniscient and write the outcome of the situation providing you with exactly the right words to say.
So a tip of the hat to the mastery of the special effects and stunt designs in the movie. There’s so many that it is difficult to catch-all of them. I particularly liked this shooting out the moving vehicle door.
It’s a fun flick. Go, see it, and pre-order a copy for your library today.
According to Jack!
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